Quilombola Communities and Land Overlapping Challenges in Brazil

Quilombola Communities and Land Overlapping Challenges in Brazil

Autor: Marca: Dialética Referência: 9786525299631

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"Quilombola Communities and Land Overlapping Challenges in Brazil" delves into the complexities of quilombola communities in the Brazilian context. The author explores the struggles and challenges faced by these traditional communities, especially those located in the Jalapão region, Tocantins. The book examines issues of territory, identity, and memory, offering a profound analysis of the legal, territorial, and ethnic-racial conflicts surrounding the constitutional rights of quilombola communities. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the book highlights the changes occurring within these communities after the implementation of the Jalapão State Park and questions to what extent these changes have affected quilombola identity. It is a meticulous and engaging exploration of quilombola experiences in contemporary Brazil.


  • Ano: 2023
  • Autor: Jéssica Painkow Rosa Cavalcante
  • Selo: Dialética
  • ISBN: 9786525299631
  • Nº de Páginas: 132
  • Capa: Flexível

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"Quilombola Communities and Land Overlapping Challenges in Brazil" delves into the complexities of quilombola communities in the Brazilian context. The author explores the struggles and challenges faced by these traditional communities, especially those located in the Jalapão region, Tocantins. The book examines issues of territory, identity, and memory, offering a profound analysis of the legal, territorial, and ethnic-racial conflicts surrounding the constitutional rights of quilombola communities. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the book highlights the changes occurring within these communities after the implementation of the Jalapão State Park and questions to what extent these changes have affected quilombola identity. It is a meticulous and engaging exploration of quilombola experiences in contemporary Brazil.

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  • Ano: 2023
  • Autor: Jéssica Painkow Rosa Cavalcante
  • Selo: Dialética
  • ISBN: 9786525299631
  • Nº de Páginas: 132
  • Capa: Flexível

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