The Clicker Man

The Clicker Man

Autor: Marca: Dialética Referência: 9786559567508

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This book is about our device-oriented society, in which most of the population (including children) is online during a significant part of their lives. It relates technically the why our society should debate the way we deliver and consume information. Most of us are creating a sense of reality based on bubbles of closed-loop information and relationships. As approximately 95% of users of search engines stop their search on the first page presented, this page is (mostly) a mix of the completely standardized page (the same everybody who types a keyword receives) with a bit of personalization. Similar behavior takes place on social media, which is more loop-centered in the same groups, friends, and related content. These behaviors generate an ego-echo system that, to satisfy consumers, returns them to what they request, creating a semi-autistic process, in which new knowledge is not necessarily added. The process creates an instantaneous series of point and search activities (one search lead to the next), resulting in an unstructured learning process based on previous behavior. In this sense, this booklet aims to create a debate to improve knowledge creation and learning in the digital world, as humankind has created a spectacular knowledge base that is being improved to develop our societies.


  • Ano: 2021
  • Selo: Dialética
  • ISBN: 9786559567508
  • Páginas: 40
  • Capa: Flexível

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This book is about our device-oriented society, in which most of the population (including children) is online during a significant part of their lives. It relates technically the why our society should debate the way we deliver and consume information. Most of us are creating a sense of reality based on bubbles of closed-loop information and relationships. As approximately 95% of users of search engines stop their search on the first page presented, this page is (mostly) a mix of the completely standardized page (the same everybody who types a keyword receives) with a bit of personalization. Similar behavior takes place on social media, which is more loop-centered in the same groups, friends, and related content. These behaviors generate an ego-echo system that, to satisfy consumers, returns them to what they request, creating a semi-autistic process, in which new knowledge is not necessarily added. The process creates an instantaneous series of point and search activities (one search lead to the next), resulting in an unstructured learning process based on previous behavior. In this sense, this booklet aims to create a debate to improve knowledge creation and learning in the digital world, as humankind has created a spectacular knowledge base that is being improved to develop our societies.

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  • Ano: 2021
  • Selo: Dialética
  • ISBN: 9786559567508
  • Páginas: 40
  • Capa: Flexível

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