A Poet of Time and Gold

A Poet of Time and Gold

Autor: Marca: Dialética Referência: 9786527402169

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A Poet of Time and Gold is a collection of sentimental poems and prose about finding your identity and forgiveness in the midst of problems, disillusionment in love and changes with the passage of time. With a diversity of styles and texts, this book carries passages about what is exact and human: alchemy and poetry; loving and to be loved; letting go and forgiving. In this book we accompany fictional characters through episodes of their lives and realizations, bringing all the reflection and feeling discovered in the basement of their hearts; running away from ghosts and facing them. It is in the midst of dragons, experiments, norths, loves and verses that we realize time passes and everything that is human, too.


  • Autor: Giulia Ikeda Caregnato
  • Selo: Dialética Literária
  • ISBN: 9786527402169
  • Páginas: 104
  • Capa: Flexível
  • Ano: 2024

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A Poet of Time and Gold is a collection of sentimental poems and prose about finding your identity and forgiveness in the midst of problems, disillusionment in love and changes with the passage of time. With a diversity of styles and texts, this book carries passages about what is exact and human: alchemy and poetry; loving and to be loved; letting go and forgiving. In this book we accompany fictional characters through episodes of their lives and realizations, bringing all the reflection and feeling discovered in the basement of their hearts; running away from ghosts and facing them. It is in the midst of dragons, experiments, norths, loves and verses that we realize time passes and everything that is human, too.

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  • Autor: Giulia Ikeda Caregnato
  • Selo: Dialética Literária
  • ISBN: 9786527402169
  • Páginas: 104
  • Capa: Flexível
  • Ano: 2024

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