Anna Sophia's Magical World: Part II: Apocalypse

Anna Sophia's Magical World: Part II: Apocalypse

Autor: Marca: Dialética Referência: 9786553554139

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“In this Sequel to the Saga, Anna Sophia sets out on a mission to save the magical world and her own world, in search of a scroll that may be the last hope of humanity, she will have to live closely the effects of the apocalypse, the new order world, the consequences of your choices will determine what will forever change your world and the wizarding world.

And of course the young Anna Sophia will have help from old and new friends and also from new enemies, because the fate of the world of men is in her hands.

A Saga Will Move You Forever"


  • Autor: Diego Henrique de Lima Oliveira
  • Selo: Dialética Literária
  • ISBN: 9786553554139
  • Páginas: 152
  • Capa: Flexível
  • Ano: 2023

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“In this Sequel to the Saga, Anna Sophia sets out on a mission to save the magical world and her own world, in search of a scroll that may be the last hope of humanity, she will have to live closely the effects of the apocalypse, the new order world, the consequences of your choices will determine what will forever change your world and the wizarding world.

And of course the young Anna Sophia will have help from old and new friends and also from new enemies, because the fate of the world of men is in her hands.

A Saga Will Move You Forever"

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  • Autor: Diego Henrique de Lima Oliveira
  • Selo: Dialética Literária
  • ISBN: 9786553554139
  • Páginas: 152
  • Capa: Flexível
  • Ano: 2023

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